Slash Commands

The basic chat commands are in and seem to be working properly.

The ones in so far:

  • /tell, /whisper, /t, or /w – Sends a private chat message to the person named. This does require putting underscores (_s) to replace any spaces in their name. So, Dr. Thomas would be “/tell Dr._Thomas I need some Eclipse.”
  • /reply or /r – Replies to your most recent tell. Like all such systems, I wouldn’t suggest using it when you’re getting a lot of tells.
  • /em, /me, or /emote – Says things like “Kinak does wacky stuff” instead of “Kinak: does wacky stuff.”
  • /who – Replaces the “Who’s On” at the bottom of the chat list.
  • /time – Advises you on the current system time.
  • /? – The command that tells you the commands so you don’t have to look at this list.

Also corrected some bugs today where Metros was sometimes charging people unfairly. Thanks Zeladoni!


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