Posts Tagged ‘Bete Noire’

And Bug Fixes

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Also have a bunch of bug fixes over the last few days. Let’s go straight to the list:

  • Corrected a bug allowing massive over-donation to the gang stash. Thanks to Metro and Al for reporting this.
  • Finessed some the second chess opponent in terms of verbiage and rewards. Thanks Argeth and The Kitchen Sink.
  • You can no longer include negative numbers of a Technique in your deck. Thanks to Metro for hammering these out.
  • In The Jungle is no longer a quest item to keep it in line with the books like Chess for Beginners and Quantum Mechanics. Thanks for the suggestion, PaidPiedPiperPal.
  • Noncombats that damage you to the point you need to rest will now give better feedback. Thanks to Metro on this one.
  • Also, lots of other typos corrected thanks to Mag, Man Mobile, A Naked Jew, Bete Noire, and the ongoing efforts of Metro.
