Posts Tagged ‘Francis Vixen’


Friday, August 12th, 2011

Most of these bugs weren’t actually with cybernetics, which had a shockingly smooth launch one the lab opens its doors *pats back*

I just really wanted to say “cyberbugs.” Like who wouldn’t want a beetle with cyberlegs? If nothing else, so you could say “What sort of maniac would put cyberlegs on a beetle?”

  • Fixed a bug making cybernetics grant their bonuses properly. Good (cyber)eyes, Viscerator!
  • Your white list status (or lack thereof) is mentioned in the Leave Gang section of your Gang screen. Good suggestion, Sir Cheddar.
  • Marked some items as equippable properly, thanks to GoldS.
  • You can now redirect shipments if you’re hacking while looking at a mirror or reading a book. Good catch, Mag.
  • Watching ice freeze now properly results in frozen ice. Thanks, Francis Vixen!
  • And some typo fixes from Cryptodynamic, Mag, Factitious, Liasi, Cank, Sir Cheddar, Vholes Piper, and Thrillhouse. Wooo! Go team!

Note that this update is completely unrelated to Metroplex Day, which is tomorrow. You can’t combine the metaphorical cyberbug with a firework to make some sort of giant beetle firework.

Although if you find a way to enter metaphors in the crafting system, you should probably let me know.


Through the Looking Glass

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

The Mirror seems to have gone out pretty smoothly, in the grand scheme of things. I think we’ve got most of the bugs hammered out. I apologize if I miss anyone’s contribution, those first few days are always quite hectic.

Mirror Fixes

  • Fixed several bugs with climbing the reflected tower, then rebalanced the difficulty. Thanks for the masochism, Al and Mag!
  • Bonus Choice XP is now displaying properly. Good catch, The Fop!
  • Apple Rotgut is usable properly. Thanks, Mag!
  • The maiden will no longer stonewall questions with “SQL Error.” It’s unladylike, after all. Thanks, Lord Finisher, DoctrZombie, Argeth, GoldS, and DerMagus!

Other Changes

  • New item labels should now appear in their descriptions. For the moment this includes Music, Fishing Lure, Fishing Line, and some others you don’t have to worry about for a while. Before anyone asks, it’s not my intention to include many of these beyond what I already mentioned.
  • High Test Line and the Training Hook effects now interact. Good suggestion, The Fop.

We’ve also got a whole swarm of typos from amysaysyes, The Fop, Mag, Sir Cheddar, Lord Finisher, Factitious, Liasi, Al, borkman, Francis Vixen, and Argeth. Thanks, everyone!


Sushi, pistols, and bites, oh my!

Monday, June 13th, 2011

The last view updates and some bug fixes: digest edition.

  • Added a bit of bite to broken bottles. Thanks for the suggestion, Francis Vixen.
  • Mouth-based attacks now interact properly with hats that cover your mouth. Thanks for the push, BigBellyJarelli.
  • Added some new pistol crafting recipes.
  • Eating sushi should no longer throw in_array() errors. Thanks Cryptodynamic, The Fop, and Liasi.
  • Resolved an issue that made Zack’s unavailable. Thanks GoldS!
  • Fixed an issue making the shiny new restored pistol unequippable. Thanks again, BigBellyJarelli!
  • Also sorted out some typos thanks to rxzambrana, xerf, and Mag.


Intercontinental Bugfixes

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

So, here’s the list of bugs from slightly before I left through now. I should be caught up now, so if there’s anything you sent in that dropped through the cracks, let me know. Also sorry if I missed anyone that reporting a bug, my records are a bit scattered.

  • Cleaned up some issues with 05Cleaner and killing sites at the end of the virus event. Thanks to Al, GoldS, Cryptodynamic, Thrillhouse, Dead_Eye, and Francis Vixen for the bug reports.
  • Corrected a pair of bugs allowing free access node searches, thanks to Factitious and Cryptodynamic.
  • Sorted out a serious bug related to multi-using items. Thanks GoldS!
  • Then fixed multi-selling blackmail material, which I broke there. Good catch, Dennis!
  • Made the personal comm dish properly craftable thanks to Liasi.
  • Also made the Crystallized Octopus Eye craftable under normal circumstances. Thanks for the dark magic, GoldS.
  • Removed a few more hanging Docks references. Good eyes, Heriodule.

And a couple changes:

  • I might be opening a can of worms here, but the Gang Boss now responds to ties, driving home a bit more of your character’s nature. Thanks to Liasi for this one.
  • The Jitters are now a touch more controllable. Thanks to Francis Vixen for the suggestion.

Also fixed up some typos thanks to Cryptodynamic, Al, Francis Vixen, and Mag.


March Bug Fixes

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

It occurs to me that I haven’t done a master bugfix post in a while. How do I know? Because I have a giant pile of them to post. Enjoy!

  • Corrected an infinite items bug, thanks to GoldS. If GoldS was a country, I’d be waving a little GoldS flag right now.
  • Fixed a bug that made Gang Warfare unavailable. Thanks for catching that, cudgelist and DerMagus!
  • Undestroyed the Metroplex University Computer Lab. Thanks for the bug reports Argeth, Liasi, and Mosquito.
  • Fixed a funny issue where the links on the Golden Chip leaderboard were going to random gangs. Good eyes Mag and Francis Vixen.
  • Corrected a bug preventing the Signal Tracker from being sold, back when it was sellable… which it isn’t anymore… Thanks for unbreaking the event, Happy Yeti and DoctrZombie.
  • The mouseover for the Waterfront now appropriately says The Waterfront rather than The Docks. Thanks for the new eyes on that Heriodule!
  • I have a note here that says “Broke the news to 05Cleaner (Argeth)” Not sure time I meant, but Argeth’s reported a lot of issue’s with 05Cleaner’s dialogue. Thanks!

Also thanks to Mag, BigBellyJarelli, Thrillhouse, Cank, Factitious, Elliotbay, OgremanSam, Cryptodynamic, Al, Sir Cheddar, and GoldS for catching some typos. That… is a lot of typos. Seriously, thanks :)


Little Fixes

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Just fixing a couple little things here and there. Don’t mind me.

  • Resuscitated the inventory screen after breaking it in what assuredly wasn’t an update. Thanks to Samael, Curtangel, and Vordrax for reporting that.
  • Also unbroke the Net, ironically enough. Thanks Factitious!
  • Fixed an issue where outfit messages about missing pieces were only showing up if you already had all the pieces you possess equipped. Thanks for diving into that confusion, Vholes!
  • Flipping your coin, if you know what I mean, should now work in the proper areas before you oust the Fangs, rather than the Sewers. Good catch Arkaim!
  • Cleared up some ancient javascript to increase compatibility. Thanks for bringing that up, Llamaman.
  • Shining Blade now salvages into its correct components. Good eyes, Amasius.

Also, in non-bug news, I raised the length limit on character descriptions. You can thank Francis Vixen for that.

And fixed up a bunch of typos thanks to Liasi, Rxzambrana, Mag, Arkaim, and Argeth.


Part of a Netricious Breakfast

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

First off, there are a couple of new options in the Net screen:

  • Targets can now be individually removed with the aptly named “Delete Link” option.
  • Target Search and Intrusive Search can now be run directly from the Net screen.

And some updates:

  • When modifying a deck to contain less than 15 Techniques, it will now tell you exactly how many you have. Good catch, Al.
  • Bonuses to Combat XP now apply even if you’re beating up poor defenseless creatures that don’t grant any XP on their own. Thanks Cank!
  • OmniMall will now appropriately interpret commas when you’re using it to launder fat sacks of cash. Good thought, Al!
  • In theme with our updates, you can no longer anti-hack the Prototype Trenchcoat into giving you negative energy of Sloppy Hacker. Thanks for the bug report, Al!

Also corrected some typos from Vordrax, Mag, Francis Vixen, Xerf, Cryptodynamic, DerMagus, and Arkaim. Thanks, everyone!
