Archive for the ‘New Features’ Category

Forgot Username/Password and more

Monday, April 27th, 2009

The biggest update today is the “Forgot Something?” link in the username/password box. Entering your email address there will send you an email containing your character’s name and a link to choose a new password. If you just forgot your username but know the password, it’ll let you log back in with your existing password.

Also, items are now labeled with their requirements for Body, Energy, and Hunger. Thanks to Valliant for the suggestion.

Strange Ore should now only appear once while you’re on the quest. Thank you, Prestige, for the bug report.

The Techniques page will no longer spill out a bunch of errors if you go there shortly after login. Cheers to PaidPiedPiperPal for noticing this one before it go too irritating.

Also, thanks to Argeth, ACM, and A Naked Jew for typo reports.


Taking Requests!

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Implimented a whole slew of player suggestions today, including a bunch from the Suggestion Thread on the Forums. Here’s the list of changes:

  • The inventory now has two columns. If this gives anyone problems, be sure to send me a message. Thanks to Nytmare for the suggestion and to ACM for pointing out when I broke inventory trying to get this working.
  • If you’re fighting multiple targets, your current target will say “(Targeted)” when you mouseover their portrait. You may need to clear your cache to see this change. Thanks to MoreUmlaut for the suggestion here.
  • The skill Ghoultouched got a power boost. It now scales as you go through the game. Thanks to Lord Finisher for pointing out it wasn’t really up to snuff.
  • When you go into the Techniques screen for the first time after receiving more Techniques, those Techniques will be bolded. Good suggestion, Nytmare!
  • Larry will now clarify his somewhat cryptic comment about Purification, if you so desire. Argeth pointed out this opportunity.
  • PaidPiedPiperPal suggested so many things they get their own section: Old Pill Bottles have a few new options, you can know bind defeated Twisted Hounds, the containment suit will protect you even falling in Lake Metroplex, Andrea will help you even if you go unconscious in her fight (but not if you run), and fortune cookies now give, ya know, fortunes. Extra thanks to PaidPiedPiperPal for all the good suggestions!
  • Also cleared up a bunch of typos thanks to Argeth, The Kitchen Sink, Nosside, Metro, Mag, A Naked Jew, and ACM. Thanks everyone!

Keep an eye here and on the forum over the next couple days, because I’m going to be looking for input on features and what order people want stuff tackled.


Armory Implemented

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Just activated Armory today. It’s a new craft involving the creation of weapons and armor.

As you might expect, this one won’t show up in the bookstore. You might need to look somewhere a bit… seedier for the tools you need.

Also, there are vastly more items that can be salvaged now. These updates going in the same day aren’t exactly coincidental. Nor is it a coincidence that I dropped this in before the next subquest. Just sayin’.

Like chemistry and electronics, this is just a taste of what this will look like once it’s filled out. Some items might interest people now, though.


Fishing and Sushi

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

Dropped in two new skills, a new crafting type, a bit of Chemistry, and finally finished fishing (which has been hanging out there half done since the Docks quest). In related news, the University Bookstore has a new offering.


Reset Option

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

Several players have asked about a way to go back and either re-explore or more thoroughly test earlier content. The way the content is put together in Metroplexity, however, is tied together very closely.

But, I’m not the type to say “no” to people testing stuff thoroughly, so here’s what we can manage. There is now an option under your quest log (if you’re done with the main quest content available so far) to reset your character.

For all intents and purposes this sets you back to a beginning character. Any non-quest items and your credits can be retrieved when you get back through the main quest content. Everything else, unfortunately, has to be wiped.

Now this is fairly intense, and honestly not exactly what people were hoping for, so there is an additional feature I added in there as a “thank you going the extra mile testing.” There is a leader board, visible from your character after you’ve reset or the profile of someone who has reset.

When we move out of Beta, the reset option will be replaced with a more interesting final version and everyone who’s reset will get prizes. And those near the top of the leaderboard (having tested all the content multiple times) get additional prizes.

So, thanks to everyone for their help testing. If you feel you mixed something up, want to compete for prizes, or just want to explore the content more, feel free to use the reset option.

There have been a few changes that will be of note to those resetting:

  • Items now display their type (Weapon, Shirt, etc.) and whether they’re a quest item on the description screen. I was very sparing with the ‘quest’ flag, so you won’t see it crop up often.
  • Short Burst has changed to be weaker normally but stronger as a closer. Beginning Techniques now include Short Burst instead of Lash Out so they sit more squarely in the range.
  • The interaction in the Southside Park quest between the two options is more clearcut.
  • The Clip of Explosive Bullets item and the quantity you get have been changes pretty notably.


Electronics Revamp

Monday, January 26th, 2009

I just finished a retool of the Electronics system. You will now remember recipes from upgrades as you do with Chemistry experiments. Thanks to Argeth and Twitch for the suggestion.

There is one slightly weird thing about the way this works with Electronics. There will often (and more so when Hacking goes in) be multiple paths to the same final upgrade result. As such, the final results take the basic components (non-electronics items and circuits) rather than the intermediate steps. Some also require more than one Energy (so it matches up with the cost upgrading manually).

The system doesn’t know what recipes you had struck upon previously, so everyone will start out blank. The list should populate as you upgrade items from now forward.


Today’s Updates

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

As you can imagine, most of today’s updates involve Gang Warfare. If you haven’t gotten into that yet, there is one update of note:

  • The Techniques page now orders by Chain number then alphabetically. This is purely a usability change, so if you feel this makes your life harder or easier, I’d love to hear feedback. Thanks to PaidPiedPiperPal for the push here.

On to the gang and gang warfare updates:

  • You should now receive mail messages when you win or lose defending an area. Love it? Hate it?
  • It now displays in the Gang Warfare screen within the Gangs options what areas your gang currently has a hold in. An item has appeared on the scene that also helps give this feedback.
  • There will now be a Gang link on the top pane for gang members. Thanks to PaidPiedPiperPal for pointing this one out.
  • Like profiles, gang pages now show a Previous, Random, and Next at the bottom. Should make looking for stuff a bit easier. Thanks to MoreUmlaut for the suggestion.
  • Your credits total in the character pane will now immediately update on creating a gang. Cheers to PaidPiedPiperPal for the bug report.
  • Performing gang actions (like whitelisting and blacklisting) from the profile screen will no longer temporarily make the target look like they’re part of your gang. Thanks to both MoreUmlaut and PaidPiedPiperPal for bringing this one to my attention.

Keep up the great work everybody! Keep the bug reports rolling in and have fun beating each other up a bit.


Gang Warfare

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

Gang Warfare (aka PvP) is in. I’m expecting a huge share of issues to crop up, so please keep an eye out. There’s enough to it that I’d like to explain a bit in advance.

Short version, if you don’t like long explanations: play it, try it out, see if you like it, give lots of feedback.

To participate in Gang Warfare (or if you just want to form a group of likeminded characters), you need a Gang. Gangs can be created from a link in your character sheet (character link at the top of the page). Alternately, you can search for an existing gang. Creating a gang does cost some credits.

The gang leader (or leaders, you can name more than one) can elevate members to recruiter or beancounter. Recruiters can approve requests to join the gang, whitelist people (automatically let them join anytime), or blacklist people (permanently ignore them). Beancounters have to deal with the Gang Stash.

The Gang Stash
Once you join a gang, you can add items to the gang stash. These are packaged for sale by the gang’s beancounters. So any item you put in the gang stash is gone for good. Actual quest items (there aren’t that many) shouldn’t show up.

Shipments of items from the gang stash can be sold from the aptly “Gang Stash” link in the gang page. Only leaders and beancounters can do this. Normal members and recruiters can only add to the Gang Stash, which is done through a new link in the inventory page.

You can use those profits to buy hideouts in various areas (not Southside until you can move your house and not Inside the Slags because that’d be weird in game). These hideouts can be stocked with all sorts of stuff. For the most part these help while resting for the time being. More of these enhancements, like furniture, will be rolled out. Got some good juju here.

So… Warfare
Once you’ve joined a gang, there’s a Gang Warfare link at the top of the gang page. You can mark yourself as active in gang warfare here. It will take a few combats (note: not encounters, specifically combats) to start getting PvP encounters.

Four areas in Metroplex are active for PvP: Southside Park, The Docks, Dockside Sewers, and the Quad. As you adventure normally in those areas, you’ll run into PvP events. If another gang has a hold on the area, you’ll fight their members like a normal enemy. If you’ve eliminated all comers, your gang will start to build control.

When you build control, the game is basically copying your character for other people to fight. You don’t have to be online and it works like normal combat. Wounds are applied to this simulacrum, for example, not your actual hit points. The copy can be worn down over multiple combats, though, to prevent one strong player from gumming up the works.

Aside from the obvious satisfaction of beating up on other players and spreading your gang’s control over Metroplex? Actually quite a bit.

When you have enough control in an area, you will get special benefits related to that area. For example, controlling Southside Park unlocks the backroom of Little Eddie’s with a selection of interesting items.

Gang leaders can also set agendas for each area. These are listed on the Gang Warfare screen where you activate yourself for PvP. Once you have enough control, you’ll start getting adventures related to the agenda rather than the normal PvP encounters.

Here’s a quick overview:

  • Drive Demand – Increases the profits you get selling shipments from the gang stash.
  • Scavenge – Like dumpster diving on a cosmic gang-wide scale. Get lots of items from the area you’re lording over.
  • Security – Increases the number of combats you can queue in an area, making it harder to take back, to a certain limit. You can switch from this without losing the queued combats.
  • Shakedown – Shake down local businesses for credits
  • Vigilante Justice – Mete out justice on various more challenging opponents (often in groups). There’s a lot of potential for neat content here, but only one encounter for each area now.

There are also specific rewards for breaking into controlled areas, so don’t feel left out either way. A good back and forth should result in goodies for everyone.

You can choose an Avatar in the Gang Warfare screen, basically so other people have an image when they’re trying to beat on you. There are two avatars that are available right away and rumors of more you can unlock. Rumors that I’m starting right now… because they’re true.

Other Stuff
If you have other questions, ask me in game or in the comments section here and I’ll add the answers to this post if they don’t make it unwieldy.


Today’s Update Rampage

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

Have a nice string of fixes and updates today.

Here’s the lowdown:

  • The Trauma Tech skills is now working properly (it also has the appropriate description.)
  • You can now view other players’ skills in their profiles. Thanks for the suggestion, PaidPiedPiperPal.
  • Effects (like Fae Blessing and Ocean Song) you receive from noncombat encounters will now begin counting after that encounter. Thanks to Argeth for the bug report.
  • Characters’ names in the messages screen now link to that character’s profile. Good suggestion, MoreUmlaut.
  • Choices should now redisplay their image (along with the introduction when you navigate away. Thanks to Argeth and everyone else who reported this.
  • And, lastly, moving between locations using Metros will now clear the location in your character pane properly. Thank you Twitch, for helping me notice this.



Sunday, January 11th, 2009

You can now view other players’ profiles through a link at the bottom of your character sheet. As you can imagine, this is one of the preliminaries for PvP, so you can ‘know thy enemy.’ And, perhaps more importantly, know thy friends.

In a related note, you can now write a description for your character (visible in the profile) by clicking on the creatively named ‘Description’ link on your character sheet. Thanks to PaidPiedPiperPal for the suggestion.

Two other updates:

  • There is now a ‘Reply’ button for messages. Thanks again to PaidPiedPiperPal on this one.
  • David will now display appropriate text after you save him. Thanks to Argeth for the bug report and grats on actually saving David!
