Posts Tagged ‘Xerf’

May Bug Fixes

Monday, May 28th, 2012

We have a couple bug fixes and a massive pile of typos to report from the month of May.

  • Cheating into the Slags computers should clear any alerts you may have. Good suggestion ShadowWolf.
  • Made some tweaks to the Quad quest. Thanks for the suggestions Al and Happy Yeti!
  • Red Metal Gaze should properly count as “sciency” again. Good catch Valmo!

Thanks to Nyther, Cryptodynamic, PenguinPyro, Xerf, Happy Yeti, Al, DerMagus, Arkaim, Vholes Piper, and xKiv for reporting those typos.


Sushi, pistols, and bites, oh my!

Monday, June 13th, 2011

The last view updates and some bug fixes: digest edition.

  • Added a bit of bite to broken bottles. Thanks for the suggestion, Francis Vixen.
  • Mouth-based attacks now interact properly with hats that cover your mouth. Thanks for the push, BigBellyJarelli.
  • Added some new pistol crafting recipes.
  • Eating sushi should no longer throw in_array() errors. Thanks Cryptodynamic, The Fop, and Liasi.
  • Resolved an issue that made Zack’s unavailable. Thanks GoldS!
  • Fixed an issue making the shiny new restored pistol unequippable. Thanks again, BigBellyJarelli!
  • Also sorted out some typos thanks to rxzambrana, xerf, and Mag.


Part of a Netricious Breakfast

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

First off, there are a couple of new options in the Net screen:

  • Targets can now be individually removed with the aptly named “Delete Link” option.
  • Target Search and Intrusive Search can now be run directly from the Net screen.

And some updates:

  • When modifying a deck to contain less than 15 Techniques, it will now tell you exactly how many you have. Good catch, Al.
  • Bonuses to Combat XP now apply even if you’re beating up poor defenseless creatures that don’t grant any XP on their own. Thanks Cank!
  • OmniMall will now appropriately interpret commas when you’re using it to launder fat sacks of cash. Good thought, Al!
  • In theme with our updates, you can no longer anti-hack the Prototype Trenchcoat into giving you negative energy of Sloppy Hacker. Thanks for the bug report, Al!

Also corrected some typos from Vordrax, Mag, Francis Vixen, Xerf, Cryptodynamic, DerMagus, and Arkaim. Thanks, everyone!


New Year’s Cleaning

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new, as they always say. In this case, the old are bugs and typos. And the new are probably more bugs and typos… but different bugs and typos so it works out.

  • Added additional feedback about status in the Lo’s Investigation quest. Thanks Kazimir and Jesse!
  • Learning deeper poetic truths now gives you a message mentioning the item upgrade. Good suggestion, mr_stark.
  • Corrected an error where seasonal reset prizes might get handed out early. Wooo! Go Factitious!
  • Roomsweeper now interacts with Shotgun Blast. And all is right with the world. Thanks, Mag!
  • Clarified the error message when you try to view an item from someone’s profile that isn’t wearing that item any longer. Don’t worry if that didn’t make sense, but thanks to Argeth for cleaning up that little corner of Metroplexity.
  • And fixed up a bug from trading for mushrooms that’s been hanging around since the Docks Quest update. Good catch, Wiegieman!

And thanks to Xerf, Metro, Striper, Argeth, elliotbay, Arkaim, Mag, rxzambrana, and especially Factitious for nailing down some typos.


A Few Updates

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

Between resting and working on Christmas, I’ve squeezed in a few updates.

  • You can now retrieve items from Zack multiple times a run (for example, if it spans seasons). Thanks for pointing that out, Al.
  • Added conversation options to Zack regarding the seasonal reset rewards. Good call, Mag.
  • The OmniMall now sends messages to gift receivers explaining how to get their gifts if they don’t already have OmniMall access. Thanks for the suggestion, Sir Cheddar.
  • Fixed a few bugs preventing seasonal reset rewards from being handed out in a timely fashion. Thanks Mag and Factitious!
  • Corrected a bug where stuns weren’t consistently disrupting Techniques that depend on their predecessors (like Swordplay). Thanks Xerf!

Also thanks to Xerf, Suuljin, Cryptodynamic, Mag, Factitious, and GoldS for their continued effort typo-slaying.

*wanders off humming “Blessed is the OmniMall”*


Inventory Interface

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Put a new coat of paint on the inventory interface today.

  • There are now links at the top of each inventory page for each section so you can shortcut down. Thanks to Xerf for the suggestion!
  • I also added similar links for the screen to add to your gang’s stash and reformatted that page a bit. Good call, Mag.
  • The Gang Stash and Salvage pages now both respect your column settings.
  • Also thanks to Hau for reporting a bug that caused used items to not disappear from the inventory properly.

If the new links at the top bother anyone, feel free to send me a bug report. I can make them optional, but don’t want to clutter the account page if everyone links them.


Con Catchup and Paper Mache

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Have a couple of crafting changes, along with some catchup on bug reports from the con.

First off, crafting:

  • There is now a “simple” crafting section. For the moment it just contains paper mache recipes. But that means there are paper mache recipes.
  • Also, any recipe that you know but can’t be used due to a special requirement will say as much. Thanks for the suggestion, Llamaman.

And some bug fixes:

  • Having three enemies in hacking no longer breaks targeting. I can’t imagine where Vholes Piper could have run into such vicious defenses.
  • Corrected an old bug where Hawk would try (and fail) to attack you upon joining up. Thanks for the bug report, TheManStark!
  • Fixed a few errors in the Sewer Hideout with choices giving inappropriate results. Thanks to Xerf and xKiv for reporting those.
  • Arthur won’t try to decrypt the PDA once he’s already figured it out anymore. Good catch, RazielSonofKain!
  • Corrected a problem with the Twisted Raven’s Withering Gaze, thanks to Vholes Piper.

Also corrected a parcel of typos from Metro, Vholes Piper, Llamaman, Metro, TeKRunneR, Argeth, and Tullus. Thanks everyone!


Helping Hand

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Okay, a couple of friendly additions for new players today:

  • There are now combat hints from when you start out to when you start including new techniques in your deck. This covers basic Chain creation, some strategy, and interface stuff.
  • There’s also a backstory blurb when you first log in (or reset).

The combat hints won’t fire if you have hints turned off in the account preferences. If you want to see them as an existing player, turn those on, then switch to a deck with the four basic techniques.

If you want to see the new blurb, go to Southside :)

Also fixed some bugs:

  • Corrected an ancient issue causing negative duration buffs. Thanks Llamaman!
  • Officer Stone can now be unlocked properly again. Thanks for doublechecking with me, Xerf, I appreciate it.
  • Pain Incarnate can now hurt you. Thanks for the bug report, Cryptodynamic.

And some typo fixes thanks to xKiv, Cryptodynamic, Sir Cheddar, Metro, Mag, Argeth, Glass, Happy Yeti, and Vholes Piper. Seriously! Nine players! Go go team typokiller!


Weekend Updates

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

First off a couple of updates I mentioned on yesterday’s podcast:

  • You should now be able to make it through the abandoned buildings in the Slags Quest without combat. You’ll notice I didn’t say it was easy or straightforward. Thanks for reminding me about this, Wyrd!
  • Tweaked the difficulty of a few fights in the revamped Sewer Hideout to more closely match their old versions. Thanks for the feedback, TeKRunneR.
  • There’s now a speargun Technique hidden in the most insidious place imaginable. Thanks for nudging me on this one, Mag.

And some more suggestions:

  • The Charnel House (first time) should respond a little more cleanly to leaving and reentering the premises. Thanks, Llamaman!
  • Errors when sending messages now returns your subject and text. Thanks for the suggestion, TeKRunneR and Wyrd.
  • You can now see your day and energy count for your current reset on your character sheet until you choose your survivor. Good thought, Xerf!
  • Aqua Regia now works on the Slags Lab doors. Good call, Llamaman.

And fixed some bugs:

  • Corrected an error where you weren’t always flagged as knowing about Yggdrasil. Good catch, Llamaman. Added a bit more conversation since I was thinking about it, too.
  • Fixed a script running twice on the gang boss fight. Thanks TeKRunneR!
  • Corrected some errors with the mushroom folk in the sewers. Thanks Factitious.!
  • Sorted out a long-standing bug with the scanners. Good catch, Xerf!
  • Special underwater fights now properly stay underwater. Thanks for the bug report, Thunderbird!

We also have some typo fixes thanks to Al, Mag, GoldS, Wyrd, and Argeth! Wooooooo!

And, I’m spent.


Weekend Labor

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Fixed an absolute boatload of typos this weekend, thanks to Mag, Nyther, Cryptodynamic, Happy Yeti, Llamaman, and Cryptodynamic.

I also sorted out some other errors, like:

  • Corrected a display bug where damage wasn’t displayed correctly using Reactive Defense. Thanks for doublechecking my math, TeKRunneR!
  • Dr. Amundsen now has a more realistic view of her chances of cracking the PDA after examining it. Thanks for the suggestion, Xerf!
  • Black Liquor now works, thanks to Argeth. In other news, Argeth has challenged Cryptodynamic’s position as reporter of all pearl-related bugs ever.
  • Practiced Step now displays differently underwater. Thanks Nyther!
